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Exclusion Mediatico di e Muhe Cunukero den Agricultura Arubano
Pa miles di aña, nacionnan indigena di Aruba a lidera un bida sostenibel basa ariba pesca, criadero y agricultura. Desafortunadamente,…

Dia Nacional di Indigeneidad Arubiano
Ariba 11 di oktober 2021, diferente pueblo Indigena di e continente Americano ta celebra nan Indigeneidad y ta conmemora e…

E mito di e ultimo Caquetio
Parti 1: Identidad Indigena bou lens di pureza di sanger Di tur e mitonan cu ta rondona Historia Caquetio, ningun…

E Caya di Monche – Un buki cu ta toca Aruba su Historia, Tradicion y Cultura
Ariba potret: Ramon Todd Danderé, Sra. Joyce Pereira y autor Benjamin Romero. Comentario Editorial: E Caya di Monche ta toca…

Lost in Paradise: Confronting my Inner Struggles (SPOILERS)
I was curious when I discovered Red Soil Publishing on my Instagram feed (Thank you this time Instagram Algorithm). When…

Amen cu Sanger, un page-turner literario di Joshuar Gomez
Amen cu Sanger ta un novela skirbi pa e autor Joshuar Gomez cu a keda publica na aña 2020. Den…
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Red Soil Publishing is a Caribbean Digital Publisher that believes in the democratization of the Publishing World. The art of Writing and the joy of Publishing Books should be available to all voices, generations and levels of experiences. A nation's culture resides in the hearts and souls of its people; and if we are not reading the stories of our own people, then we are not learning our true history.
Red Soil Publishing was founded to amend the lack of publishing opportunities for young writers from the Caribbean, especially from the Islands of Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao [and their descendants all over the world]. Queer writers, New writers, Experienced writers, Brave writers … Red Soil Publishing is a Caribbean Publishing Company that gives you the opportunity to share your pen with the world. Our mission is to introduce a decolonized Afro-Indigenous perspective in the literary culture of the Caribbean.